留 言
| 沢尻迷:我讀完了給你的日劇網站可以吧? 可以多用搜尋功能找影片 你住國外..該不會住日本吧?? 也不對..應該是新加坡或馬來西亞對吧? 看日劇 只會認識簡體字 繁體字幕影片不多 對看習慣繁體的人中文搞不好會倒退呢 2013-06-30 23:07:05 我要留言(推文)
| | hokuanwei:I think that Galileo and Galileo 2 are equal. Don`t you think that you watch too many dramas. Don`t waste your life and time on dramas. You surely don`t have good notes. Please think about it and try to change yourself. 2013-07-30 00:28:36 我要留言(推文)
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